Key Features
End-to-end carbon management spanning operations, supply chain, sustainability and finance
Calculate your product carbon footprint based on your operations data easily
Fully auditable data that can be provided to capital markets and regulators. No More error prone and cumbersome spreadsheets
Enterprise carbon footprint calculations as per industry sector guidelines (e.g. PCAF, IPIECA) and in compliance with the GHG protocol standard.
Automated and Simplified reporting for regulatory and ESG frameworks (e.g. TCFD, SASB, CDP, GRI)
Automated and Simplified reporting & disclosures for regulatory and ESG frameworks (e.g. TCFD, SASB, CDP, GRI)
Carbon Accounting
Manage your carbon footprint like you manage operational and financial performance.
Built as per the GHG protocol standard with full coverage across Scope 1, 2 and 3, and enabled by a library of industry specific defensible emission rates and models. Our platform is configured to meet industry specific climate accounting guidelines such as PCAF, IPIECA, and are configuring more as other sector guidelines develop and become mature. Transform and radically simplify the way you track your carbon footprint data by using Emission Critical’s platform.
Continuous Management, Auditability and Assurance
Our platform is engineered for end-to-end continuous management, and auditability of all scope 1, 2 and 3 GHGs to provide compliance and enable reductions. Cover the full carbon accounting lifecycle from data acquisition and calculations to analytics, reporting and offsets.
Measure data directly from your sensors, estimate your emissions using our models when data is unavailable, and use our carbon ledger to monitor both GHG sources and sinks to determine your current inventory position. Whether you are a single department, or an enterprise, Emission Critical’s data acquisition, calculations and models are scaled to meet the carbon footprint assurance requirements and targets of your organization.
Value Chain Management
Integrate climate sustainability into your business processes.
Value chains are complex and each industry‘s is unique. Inspired by the most complicated value chains in industry, we stress tested Emission Critical with use cases across operations, procurement, transportation and logistics. Choose the most sustainable suppliers and enable decarbonization of products and services in the upstream and downstream segments of your value chain.
Increase transparency on supplier emissions, and analyze your footprint
Emission Critical streamlines your decision making when enabling low carbon operations and choosing the most sustainable suppliers. Use operational data to calibrate emission factors to produce actionable scope 1 emissions data. Collect scope 2 and scope 3 supplier emissions, and where it is not reported, estimate it using our models. Allocate these emissions on demand to your products and services in the upstream and downstream segments of your organization.
Weight operations and projects sustainably by incorporating internal carbon pricing. Analyze scenarios through Marginal Abatement Cost Curves (MACC) and use opportunity registers to decarbonize your enterprise. Evaluate your remaining inventory, and connect to verified projects to offset your footprint.
Product Carbon Footprints
Quantify your product carbon footprint confidently.
Customers and stake holders are asking for detailed analysis of the product carbon footprint backed by operations data not just static life cycle analysis (LCA) models. Our powerful PCF module enables you to convert your emissions data to product carbon footprint easily. Coupled with the supply chain emissions as well as the emissions arising from your operations, you can report your cradle to gate and cradle to grave emissions for all your products across all the facilities.
Our PCF module enables your to manage this on a continuous basis. Its flexible allocation framework supports wide variety of usecases. Data integration from a wide variety of ERP and lab management systems is supported straight out of box to simplify the data gathering.
Inventory Planning & Forecasting
Streamline your scenario planning.
Track your actual emission performance against a fixed, rolling or pre-configured baseline. On-demand recalculate your baseline and all years upto and including your reporting year. Forecast inventory, generate top-down, and bottom-up emission forecasts to create targets. Save time by striking a target, and hold your organization accountable for decarbonization goals.
Regulatory & Sustainability Reporting
Simplify all of your ESG and regulatory reporting through a common dataset.
Sustainability teams can automatically and on-demand generate climate sustainability disclosures against ESG frameworks such as TCFD, SASB, GRI, CDP. Operations and EHS teams can perform their scope 1 reporting according to regulators such as EPA, DEFRA among others. Bring sustainability front and center through customized reporting to your executive teams, stakeholders, investors and business unit leads.